Let’s help them
by admin
in Non classé
Do you wish to support the school by communicating with your friends or contacts? You may then become an Ambassador for the Soleils.
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Grand Déj 2016
by admin
in Non classé
L’école a besoin de vous !
Nous serons heureux de vous accueillir sur le stand de l’Ecole des Soleils pour vous présenter:
- les photos de l’ouverture de l’école
- les évènements qu’ils ont déjà célébré
- l’équipe enseignante
- les besoins de financements
- les perspectives
l’équipe de l’Ecole des Soleils
2016 National Festival on August 15th
by admin
in Non classé
The school has been fully ready for its first celebration of the 2016 National Festival on August 15th.
A few national songs were performed during the ceremony at the school.
Moreover, a group of motivated older students from the state school rejoiced the audience with traditional songs and dances.
Not to forget the ” Bollywood” dancers!